Gro Intelligence has over 2 million unique, proprietary data series that address a range of questions across crop yield and production, supply and demand, growing conditions, and climate scenarios. Gro's data series are built by our team of 50+ domain experts and scaled through artificial intelligence, generating predictive models and real-time applications. Our products provide accurate forecasts and holistic views into the most pressing challenges across climate, agriculture, and the economy. 

In this report, we focus on the performance of our Global Yield Forecast Models across corn, soy, and wheat, as well as our US Planting Intentions Model and US Prevent Plant Model for corn, soy, wheat, and cotton. 

You will learn how: 

  • Historically, for the past seven years, Gro’s US Corn Yield Forecast Model has been on average within 98.3% of the USDA final January report by September. Our US Soybean Yield Forecast Model has been on average within 99% of the USDA's final number by September for the last four years. 

  • In critical global regions, where the current marketplace does not have many machine learning-based predictive models, such as Ukraine, Brazil, and China, Gro’s 2022 Global Yield Forecast Models were on average 95% accurate up to 10 months ahead of final government reporting.

  • Gro’s suite of machine-learning models provide an unprecedented combination of accuracy, global coverage, granularity down to the district level, and daily in-season updates to enable our customers to move ahead of the market.

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